Well, last night was the final official session of Bikini Boot Camp. I am so sad that class is over! We do have an extra bonus session on Tuesday, but I am still mourning the end of BBC. Instructor S put together some great workouts and I pushed myself pretty hard. I was amazed, not only at the fitness level that I started at, but the level I got to at the end of the 8 weeks. I really feel that BBC has helped improved my running, not just from the conditioning, but also because of all of the tips from Instructor S. I have a feeling I'll be seeking her out for other fitness classes and more BBC sessions in the future. I am definitely excited about her Fit Ball class that starts September 10. If that class is anything like Tuesday's workout with the stability balls I know I'll be getting some great workouts in.

Session 16 of BBC met at Confederation Park for some speed training tonight - a nice compliment to the hilly run from last night. There is a 600 m loop of pathway that we were going to go around and around. We warmed up with a jog around the loop, then gathered in for our instructions. First up we were going to do some
Fartleks - 30 sec of slow running, followed by 30 sec of speed. Repeat 5 times. That was a good one to get the blood pumping. After the Fartleks we gathered in for some plank work for our abs. We held front planks up on our hands for 30 sec, moved down to our elbows, then on to our left elbow and did 5 twists down into the center. We then moved to the right elbow, 5 more twists, and back to center on our elbows. All in once continuous motion, never dropping to our knees. We did 5 repeats of that sequence. I know my abs will be feeling that later on today. After that it was back to running for speed pick ups. We ran 1 min slow, then sped up for another minute, then sped up even more for one more minute. We took a break for some bird dogs to strengthen our lower back, then another round of pick ups. We finished things off with a few hill intervals. Instructor S found a huge hill for us to run up - so we ran up once, came down, and jogged on flat ground. We then ran up and down twice, jogged it out, then repeated three times. That was a serious leg workout, and honestly the final three repeat felt amazing. We had a short jog to start cooling down and a stretch. At the end Instructor S had some
Crave Cupcakes waiting for us to help celebrate the end of a great session - chocolate or vanilla with pink frosting and the BBC logo on top.
Awww, man! Thats my find of training! End it with a cupcake! Sweet!!
Good job on the workouts, you sound like you're doing great!
I need to get involved with a Bootcamp class around here. I have some friends that do them and they love them. And the results are amazing!
Watch out for those trans-fatty acids. They hide in all species of baked goods...
Man, I wish I ended my runs with sweets. I may need to look into starting to do that....
Congrats on the new fitness level and also for your goal of the Goofy race and a half... wow!!!!!
Cupcakes with Pink icing...cool.
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