Friday, November 2, 2007

Sometimes you can run and have your BLT too!

I've been feeling a bit lethargic ever since coming back from Disney World. Maybe it is all this running and racing catching up with me? Regardless, I took my running gear to work on Tuesday and then managed to talk myself out of a lunch time run in favour of a BLT. On Wednesday my running gear still sat in my office but I was once again easily swayed by the idea of going out for lunch so I opted for a leisurely lunch and a new pair of shoes instead. Finally on Thursday I knew I had to get out there because this gym bag had been sitting in my office for multiple days now. DGB and another coworker, P, both wanted to run over lunch as well so there was some additional motivation. Come Thursday morning P had left her running gear at home so it was all up to D and myself. We were both not really feeling it but we pulled the running gear on and stepped out into the chilly but sunny outdoors. After running for about 5 minutes we looked at each other and realized that we had made the right decision - this run was feeling amazing and was just the confidence booster that we needed before Winterstart on Saturday. We finished up with 3.5 miles and then we stopped to grab a sandwich afterwards (another BLT for me). See, you can run and have your BLT too apparently... I will try to not go all out on the Winsterstart time goal in mind, plus I need to remember that I'm running 15 miles the next day. The day that we have a high of 1 deg C and a chance of flurries scheduled for. Brrr...


Downhillnut said...

Welcome back from your travels! I'm pretty sure the force of gravity was a little stronger this week - that could be it ;)

Have fun at Winterstart!

Angry Runner said...

Geez what is with you and all these races???

As for Disney- the party is on.

TNTcoach Ken said...

Okay you are officially my new idol. I want to be able to run like you. You’re logging as many miles running as I am in minutes. You go gal!

No Wetsuit Girl said...

I love that feeling, when you really didn't WANT to run, but then you're out there and you just don't want to stop. And then lunch tastes soooooo good! Yum... lunch!