Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A cure for cabin fever

Last night I had the best intentions to go to Fit Ball, but I didn't make it home until 6 pm which is precisely when class starts. Oops. The cold snap took a bit of a leave of absence and since it was 0 deg C at lunch time I thought a run would be in order. Apparently a big chunk of the runners in this city must have been suffering from some serious cabin fever because the pathways were packed today. I saw one crazy guy layered up on top but only wearing shorts on the bottom. Then he didn't look so crazy when I saw a guy running in just a short sleeve shirt and shorts a ways on. Yikes, I didn't think it was that warm yet... The run felt pretty good - not bad considering last week I was huffing and puffing after climbing one flight of stairs. Chalk up three miles for my second post-Goofy run.
As I was lying in bed this morning, contemplating waking up and thinking about what running gear I needed to pack, I realized that this is the least active I have been in probably a year. Granted, I can attribute my lack of activity to resting post-Goofy then recovering from bronchitis but it brought about some interesting thoughts. Everyone says it takes 21 days to create a habit, but after a year of running regularly I'm not sure I've completely conquered my inner couch potato. I love being outside, feet pounding the pavement and the feel of my heart beating in my chest while I am out running. On some level I think I still need that Excel spreadsheet mapping out my training program, carrying me from one race to another, advising me how far to run and when because otherwise it is too easy to say - "let me see what is on TV tonight." Then again, maybe it is just my engineering, type A personality that likes a little structure.


TNTcoach Ken said...

Well you better hurry up and get your butt in gear, you have a ton of races scheduled. Just kidding, remember you’re still in recovery mode so take it slow.

Sarah Elaine said...

It's still WAY too cold for shorts out there!

And don't worry, you'll be back stronger than ever soon enough.

RoadBunner said...

Hello! I just stumbled upon your blog. I also did Goofy this year. What a blast! I'll be a faithful reader from now on and just wanted to say, "hi!"

Sonia said...

The hardest part of any training is getting out the door.... its not just you!!! It was good enough for shorts here, close to 10oC

Speed Racer said...

Was it Einstein that taught us:
"An object in motion tends to stay in motion, an object at rest tends to stay at rest..." You would know better, you're an engineer. Anyway, it applies to exercise too, I think. Once you stop, it's SO HARD to get up the inertia to get going again! Luckily, you've forked over for more races, so you've got that carrot on a stick back. It looks like you're getting a tropical front, too. Things are looking up!

Glad you're feeling better.

audgepodge said...

I hear ya! That's why I always sign up for races... it's so hard for me to motivate myself to workout with no training plan telling me what I need to to. I just did a half on Sunday, so yeah, I'm totally in couch potato mode right now...

Anonymous said...

@speed racer: Not Einstein, but Isaac Newton; I couldn't let this slide. I tried, I really did.

Danielle said...

I so know what you mean. I've been working out, religiously doing stuff for a long time, but sometimes I really do just want to skip my workouts and veg...although then I seem to want to clean. I can never quite just watch TV.

It's too cold for shorts at that temp. I see people in temps even below that sometimes around here though too...they are insane!

Runner Leana said...

Ken - Not to worry, I'm still taking it slow. I think sometimes I am too hard on myself, surely I'm a runner by now, right?

Sarah Elaine - Yup, it will be awhile before my bare legs get to see some sunshine up here in Calgary yet!

Sandra - So glad you stopped by!

Sonia - 10 deg C? That is pretty nice. Thanks to the link for QC. If you run Montreal let me know how you like it.

Claire - You are exactly right, those races are the big carrots on sticks, eh?

Audge - Congrats on your half! You deserve a little couch potato mode, especially you ran it so close to the Disney!

Danielle - Somehow or other when I do wind up sitting down to watch TV I seem to fall asleep...