Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Jet Lag

I know I still owe you guys race reports....but yikes....I am too swamped to write the proper reports that these races deserve (and the shout outs that are necessary). Suffice it to say I made it home safe and sound last night to my very excited pup Finlay and managed to squeeze in a quick run through of the debacle that was American Idol before heading to bed around 11:00 pm. I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed just before 4:00 am and there was no going back to sleep. I used the extra time to pay some bills, unpack and get in a 3.16 mi run around the neighborhood before leaving for work. The run went not too badly. I actually really like this whole running early in the am thing. Anyhow, really, honestly, I promise race reports soon, but for now I've gotta run!

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