This taper thing is interesting. I know a lot of people tend to get antsy when their activity drops off right before a race. I think I may be the exact opposite. My mind is ready to call in to couch potato mode, and it is only when I get outside that my body remembers that it absolutely still loves the activity. Maybe watching all of those Olympians on TV is making me tired. Or else it has been the ridiculously bad sleeping habit I've developed this week. I've fallen asleep in front of the TV every night this week and haven't woken up until about 1:30 or 2:00 am to go upstairs and really go to bed. Maybe all of this is throwing me off. Anyhow, when I finally made it out of bed for my run yesterday morning it went pretty well. It is almost a bit hard to believe that my marathon is just over a week away.
This morning I made it back to the Y for another 1250m in the pool. I was faster than Tuesday but I really lost my groove in lengths 41 - 49. It felt like such a struggle. Miraculously everything came back for the final length! Tonight is total body night at boot camp, then my parents and my grandmother should arrive in to town sometime thereafter. They will all be staying with me for a few days to help celebrate my adorable niece Avery's first birthday.

I also made some changes around here too. What do you think of the new picture at the top? I also updated my racing highlights to link to my race reports, and have a few extra pics from the race last weekend up on Flickr now. Also be sure to check out some of the folks I added to my favourite blogs list!
Dear Running community, it appears that we may have lost another to teh dreaded Tri colony! Your new banner says it all.............
Love the new banner!! Wish I had some computer knowledge to do something nice for mine too lol
Your nice is so cute with her 2 teeth!! =)
10 days away!!! hiha!!
I like the new look of the place!
And that little tri last weekend, that was just part of your taper, I take it?? :-)
Ummm.. absolutely LOVE your new header! Awesome!
Have a great weekend!
I'm with ya - the Olympics are starting to throw off my sleeping as well.
And the new header is great!
Ah, you're lucky on taper...I tend to get to where I question every single thing (worse than I am now even!!). Sleep is important though, try getting to bed!!
I love the banner, but NOTHING beats the picture of the BAY-BBEEEEEEE!
I think I told you I LOVE the new pictures at the top. It looks so cool, and I love how the blues in the pictures actually seem to match the color scheme of your page. Très chic!
"Maybe watching all of those Olympians on TV is making me tired. Or else it has been the ridiculously bad sleeping habit I've developed this week. I've fallen asleep in front of the TV every night this week." Oh my god! I thought I was the only one! I have been a total bum this week! At least you're better off than I am, I've only gotten off the couch to go to the bathroom. At least you'll be fired up for your marathon, if not well rested...
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