Saturday morning I had a 12 mile run scheduled. When I woke up in the morning there was sun peeking through the clouds, but it was still a pretty chilly 53F (12C). I was feeling pretty optimistic and I put on a short sleeve shirt and a skirt, laced up my green 2110s and headed out the door to Baker Park. I tried to pace myself and not start out too fast since I was heading out for 12 miles. I've never run 12 in a training run before so I wasn't sure what to expect. I eased into mile 1, but was confronted with some hills in mile 2 that made things interesting. By mile 3 I found my groove and it was feeling really good. The pathway I was following went along the Bow River and continued into Shouldice Park and Edworthy - two places that I have gone and run a fair bit. I hit the 6 mile mark at Edworthy so I turned around. Things were still good until I hit the second to last mile and hit those hills again. By that point in time my legs were pretty tired but once I got through it I cruised through the last mile to the finish. I didn't run as fast as last week, but I wasn't to far off. The temperature was perfect the entire way throughout the run and definitely nice and sunny.

Saturday evening was a girls' night for a friend's stagette (also known as a bachelorette or hen party depending on where in the world you hail from). I am happy to report that either I'm wearing the right size shoes or the mileage isn't high enough yet, but I still have all ten toenails. And after the stagette they are looking that much prettier. It was a fun night of jello shooters, apple pie shots and other needless to say it was a short night before my volunteer gig at the Robert Hamilton Memorial 5 and 10 mile run.
I was at the start site of the Robert Hamilton Memorial run at 7:30 am near Shouldice. It was overcast, threatening rain, and 48F (9C). Brr. I found the volunteer coordinator and was given a pair of socks for my effort. I was going to be working the finish line this time. This wasn't a chip timed race, so every time a runner crossed the finish line I pressed a button so a time was recorded that was later matched up with the racer's number. I ran into Dawn - a blog I read all the time, but a runner I had never met before. I also finally met Karen, another blog I read, and also one of the Calgary Roadrunners who heads up weekly runs. Karen recognized me as the girl who wrote about all the push ups I did! It was neat to finally meet them, and Karen, I promise that when I am back to running on Tuesdays I will be at the Roadrunner group runs. I also recognized Instructor S's husband who was running the 5 mile so I said hello. It was a pretty small race - around 100 people total registered for the events and it was a fast field. The guy who won the 5 mi race was minutes ahead of the 2nd place finisher. People who run that fast truly amaze me. It was a fun morning - after I was done it was time to grab a really big coffee from Starbucks to warm up and I headed out. Otherwise that's about it for the weekend. If any cross training happens outside of the housework variety I'll be sure to let you know.


It was nice to meet you this morning, Leana. I should have snapped a photo of you while I had the chance. Thanks for volunteering at one of my favourite races :)
mmmmmmm... Jello shooters!
Wow, that weather sounds WONDERFUL!!! I would kill for a day of that right now.
I would also kill for one of those jello shots, but that's a different story ;)
Thanks for the mention, and it was great to finally meet you.
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