Thursday, October 14, 2010

Whose legs are these?

For those of you who are friends on Facebook, you may know that I ran the Thanksgiving 10K this weekend.  That’s right, it was Thanksgiving in Canada here last weekend!

Well, there isn’t too much I can say about the race.  My legs were still super tired.  I ran faster than Melissa’s, but that was mostly thanks to the flat pathway we ran along the river in downtown Calgary.  Post race was fun as my mom ran the race as well along with my friend Pam.  We met at the finish line and grabbed our free mini pizza from Papa John’s and gabbed over food.

I ran for 30 minutes on Tuesday and the legs still felt awful.  Tired and still so far from the paces I was running before Ironman.  Today I had a 45 minute run on tap and it was the first time that my legs actually felt like they were on board!  My pace was still slow but I’ll take it.  Just the fact that my legs felt like they weren’t going to collapse under me was a good start!


Marlene said...

Glad to hear you're legs are finally starting to find themselves again. This Ironman business is kind of a big deal, huh? :)

Wes said...

no rush :-) I'm amazed you are trying to run at all!

Lindsay said...

Ummm hello. Isn't there that rule of 1 day rest per mile? You're good until next July or so ;)

I can imagine why your legs may be rebelling a bit. Glad to hear they are starting to come around though!

Badgergirl said...

Glad to hear the legs aren't as angry anymore.

Julie said...

Hahahahahahah!!! I can relate! How was running with your Mom? Was it a blast? Did you eat turkey before or after the race? :) :)

Petraruns said...

Great to hear you're out there - also great to hear you're listening to your body. You'll be back, don't worry!

Unknown said...

It was a good start for running...although your legs are tired but nice try...u still have a good job...
