Friday, November 16, 2007

The science behind lunch hour runs

Yesterday was another 4 mile run over lunch. This run felt pretty good as well. It was only a few seconds slower than the day before so I'll take it. I often get asked about this whole running over my lunch hour thing. There are showers in our building at work, however the caveat is that you have to have a gym membership to the place in the basement to use them. I am definitely not much of a gym girl anymore so the money would be a waste. I prefer to be running outside instead of hitting a treadmill or elliptical machine over lunch. So yeah...what do you do if you go out and run and work up a sweat? Honestly, if I have a partner meeting after lunch I'll bail on a run and chalk it up to a good business decision. Otherwise, what one of my running buddies termed a "hooker bath" (making good use of a wash cloth) and an ample amount of deodorant will do in a pinch. Thank goodness I work in a place with offices instead of cubes so I can retreat into relative seclusion...
In other is official...I'm a quitter. I have bailed on my curling league (sorry Dad). Between now and Christmas is probably one of the craziest times of the year for reservoir engineers in the oil industry as we have to analyze all of our properties and calculate all of our oil and gas reserves. I look after three sizeable properties and this is my first year calculating reserves. Doing the math I figure I will be in the office about 7 days a week to get this all done so unfortunately that doesn't leave much time for anything else. Also, considering that I'm running every Saturday and Sunday, with my Sunday runs all being between 2 and 4 hours....I'm feeling overwhelmed. So unfortunately curling has to fall by the wayside since running, sleep, and saying hi to my dogs for a few hours of the day are all non-negotiable. I hate quitting though.


Danielle said...

Having to prioritize does suck. I have given up a lot of socializing and social life by running...but oh well. Running is better than anything else right? (at least it is when it goes well).

I have friends doing the goofy (and have done it since it's inception). I'm going to do it one of these years...

No Wetsuit Girl said...

I've heard it called a "McDonalds Shower" I like your term better.

I'm sorry to hear the curling has been sidelined. It was exciting to know someone who actually DID curling (or do you play curling?) up there in America's Scotland. Well here's to a more manageable holiday season!

Maddy said...

Hooker Bath! I love it! You do what you have to do. Also, Victora's Secret makes some lovely body spray that might help freshen you up for the afternoon...

Sometimes things have to give. And you have to pick what you love. Running trumps curling. Try not to sweat it.

Anonymous said...

Hooker bath, that's a hoot!

At our company, belonging to the gym only costs $15 a month so it's worth it. Of course, they had to get used to my juggling on the treadmills but now it's fine.

Jogging at lunchtime is a great idea.

Laurel said...

Yeah,I have heard it called a "whores bath". And unfortunately,that would NEVER work in the God-awful humidity of Miami. I have to stick with AM or PM runs down there :(