Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hello Crosstraining...

Well, the plan yesterday was to bike to and from work, get a 4 miler in over lunch, then go to hot yoga in the afternoon. The bike in was terrific! I started at Edworthy Park so it is only a quick 4 mile or so ride to my office from there, but it was a great way to get the day started. When lunch hour rolled around I got the running gear on and headed outdoors. I hit the pathway at the river, turned to run past Eau Claire, then up the big incline along Centre Street Bridge and up to McHugh Bluff. Whew, that was a workout for the legs! The run felt so good the entire way. Dare I say it, knock on wood, but I love being in the running groove again. The ride home was interesting. I wound up leaving about half an hour later than I wanted to and traffic on the roads getting out of downtown was insane. I wound up walking along the sidewalk a fair bit just to get away from the car schmozzle. Once I was back on the pathway to Edworthy it was smooth sailing traffic wise, but the wind was really intense. There was no easy coasting on this ride home! I ran home, changed for yoga and was back out the door to try and make it in time for my 6 pm class which I just barely made... The instructor for this class was new to me...and holy smokes...this class was intense. I was hoping for some nice stretching but this class was a workout. One that my run/bike/boot camp fatigued legs were unhappy about. We did a lot of planks, downward dogs and warrior poses that we held for long periods of time. I have to say the instructor was terrific - he was always cracking jokes and keeping the mood upbeat to try and take your mind off of your screaming muscles, or to relax into it and try to enjoy the discomfort. I can see why his class is so popular! Note to self though - maybe don't attempt this class on days when you already have so much other stuff planned...
Mission for Wednesday - accomplished!


P.O.M. said...

Holy crap. You must have burned like a kagillion (scientific number) calories.

Miss Motivated!

Danielle said...

Nice!! Sounds like a fantastic day of workouts!!

rocketpants said...

Quite the DAY!! I would be a puddle on the floor after that day.

RoadBunner said...

Wow! I'm tired just reading about your day! Good job.

Speed Racer said...

NICE! You are a brave, brave soul doing the bike commute thing, although it seems like such a great way to get a head start on the day's TREMENDOUS list of workouts. Damn!

I would wager to say that the run was so good because you ran by MY water. Yeah, I just have that effect on people, no need to thank me. It's what I put the Eau there for.