Thursday, November 20, 2008

Photo Tagging Games

Everyone has been playing today, and I want to play along as well. The game is to go to the fourth folder on your computer and pick the fourth picture. Here's mine:
This picture is from Prince's Island in downtown Calgary, May 2006. There is one Canada Goose and a bunch of goslings. I was in town for a conference (and a job interview) and I was wandering around the city. I couldn't get over all of the goslings running around and this is just one of many pictures I took. Apparently the job interview went well because I moved here two months later!


Sonia said...

Cool game! And lucky pic =)

RunToTheFinish said...

wohoo this game was fun!

Viv said...

I enjoyed seeing everyones pic. I like how the story line went with it that 2 months later you moved there.

Marcy said...

Ooooo this is a nice one :-)

Alexandra said...

They are cute when they are goslings! That is such a pretty picture with the reflections!

holly said...

They are so cute when they're wee! And then they just grow up and crap all over the pathways...